The School of Romanian Culture and Tradition, London

12th February 2010

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The Ratiu Foundation / Romanian Cultural Centre in London are pleased to announce that the School of Romanian Culture and Tradition reopens its doors on Saturday 29 September 2011.

The School of Romanian Culture and Tradition in London is an educational programme aiming to preserve the connection of Romanian children in the UK with the essential elements of Romanian culture.

The School offers Romanian language classes, courses in Romanian history and geography, religion and ethnography, as well as recreational activities, to children between the ages of 5 and 16.

The School of Romanian Culture and Tradition is a complementary programme offered to Romanian children as an alternative which would enable them to enrich their knowledge of their country of origin’s culture.
All the activities of the School are organised with the support of a group of qualified Romanian teachers, with pedagogic experience both in Romania and the UK.

Parents who would like to register their children in the School, as well as all interested in the School’s activities, can contact the organisers.

The School’s activities take place every Saturday (with the exception of the months of July and August, and Christian Orthodox holidays) at the Ratiu Foundation / Romanian Cultural Centre in London, Manchester Square, 18 Fitzhardinge Street, London W1H 6EQ.
For the good functioning of the School, the organisers suggest the parents make a donation of £10 / child / school day.


Fundatia Ratiu / Centrul Cultural Romanesc din Londra au placerea de a va anunta ca Scoala de cultura si traditie romaneasca isi redeschide portile sambata, 29 Septembrie 2011.

Scoala de cultura si traditie romaneasca din Londra este un program educativ in scopul mentinerii legaturii copiilor romani din diaspora cu elementele esentiale ale culturii romanesti.
Scoala ofera cursuri de limba romana, istorie, geografie, religie si etnografie, precum si activitati recreative, pentru copiii cu varste intre 5-16 ani.

Scoala de cultura si traditie romaneasca este un program complementar, oferit copiilor romani ca o alternativa care sa-i ajute sa isi imbogateasca cunostintele legate de cultura tarii din care provin.
Toate activitatile Scolii sunt organizate cu sprijinul unui grup de profesori romani calificati, cu experienta pedagogica atat in Romania cat si in Marea Britanie.

Parintii care doresc sa isi inscrie copiii in program, precum si toti cei interesati de activitatile Scolii, pot sa-i contacteze pe organizatori.

Activitatea Scolii se desfasoara in fiecare sambata (cu exceptia lunilor iulie si august si a sarbatorilor crestin-ortodoxe) in sediul Fundatiei Ratiu / Centrului Cultural Romanesc din Londra, Manchester Square, 18 Fitzhardinge Street, London W1H 6EQ.
Pentru buna functionare a scolii, organizatorii sugereaza parintilor o donatie de 10 lire sterline / copil / zi de scoala.
