Crisis at Christmas

Posted 1st December 2015

Volunteers with language skills are needed for this year’s Crisis at Christmas to help people with limited spoken English to take the first steps out of homelessness.
Crisis at Christmas is a lifeline for thousands of homeless people. They offer support, companionship, activities and vital services during the holiday period so that homeless people may have a brighter new year. This year they will open ten centres, both day and residential, across London, from 23rd to 30th December. In centres, guests can get a warm meal, a change of clothes, access healthcare and specialist advice as well as enjoy a range of entertainments and activities.
In 2015, over 25% of our 4,000 homeless guests were from Central and Eastern European (CEE) Countries; therefore, it is important for the organisation to make their services as accessible as possible for their guests, whose first language is not English. 

These days, the organisation is looking for people who are able to volunteer with them over the Christmas period as interpreters for the Romanian speaking guests, helping them to make the most of their services and access specialist advice
If you need any further information then please see their website.

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