December 1st: Romania's National Day

Posted 1st December 2015

Happy Romania’s Day!

On this special day, we went through some of the projects that celebrate Romania’s cultural and natural heritage during this year.

Created by Romanians or friends of Romania, living in other countries but hopelessly charmed by the enchanted land crossed by the Carpathians, here are three (out of many) of our favourite projects::

- The documentary series Wild Carpathia.

- Ian Macilwain’s book “In Search of the Village Distilleries of Maramures : A Romanian Odyssey 2015” documenting life in Maramures.

- The Culture Trip’s page about #Romania, putting together must-see events and must-visit places.

We’d love to hear about your favourite projects about Romania, home or elsewhere. Please share them on our Facebook page or via email at mail@romaniancultural

Thank you!

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