Book Launch for Lucy Abel Smith – Travels in Transylvania: The Greater Târnava Valley

22nd November 2016

7 pm

1 Belgrave Square SW1X8PH


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Transylvania, with its rich natural and historic heritage, enjoys a huge revival as a cultural and touristic destination. Historian Lucy Abel Smith is one of the British enthusiasts who have contributed, through her writing as well as various projects, to transforming this land of diversity and overwhelming beauty into a hotspot of unforgettable discoveries. She is now launching her latest book, 'Travels in Transylvania: The Greater Târnava Valley', a new foray into the culture and history of central Romania.
Lucy Abel Smith is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, a historian and art historian, specializing in Europe and the Balkans. She has been leading tours for Museum Societies since her early 20s, specialising in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Her first tour to Romania was in the early 80s for the then British Museum Society ( In 2013, Lucy Abel Smith founded the Transylvanian Book Festival (, whose second edition has just been completed. Together with her husband, she hosts a contemporary sculpture show, 'Fresh Air', in their garden in the Cotswolds every other year, where they strive to exhibit the work of a sculptor from Central Europe ( The artist whose works were exhibited in 2013 was Vlad Olariu from Cluj, Romania.

This event is supported by the Romanian Cultural Institute.

Find out more about the book launch here.
