CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS – Roundtable Projects 2017

Posted 1st May 2017


The Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation/ Romanian Cultural Centre in London are launching the fifth edition of Roundtable Projects.

ROUNDTABLE PROJECTS is an open platform aimed at developing a collaborative network of interests and opportunities for the Romanian community in the UK. We invite applicants to submit proposals for projects they find interesting and relevant to the Romanian community. We are also open to applications coming from non-Romanians, as long as a Romanian connection exists.

Developed by The Romanian Cultural Centre in London (RCC) as an extension of our Culture Power series, we offer a transparent and creative platform open to all kinds of discussions and opportunities. Roundtable Projects encourages the collaboration between RCC and our audiences by welcoming anyone who wishes to work creatively and participate in our activities.


We invite you to submit proposals for projects in the Visual, Performing, Literary, History and Media Arts you would like to organise in partnership with RCC.

You may either work alone or in groups (where at least one member is Romanian).

Please send us your applications containing a draft outline in no more than 500 words of your project idea, budget and time schedule as well as a portfolio (if applicable).

The APPLICATION FORM is accessible here.


1. The reasonable likelihood the project can be realised with RCC support based on the applicant's budget and time schedule.
2.  The creative aspect of the proposal and the previous experience of the applicant.
3. The Selection Panel’s subjective response to the proposal in comparison to other projects submitted.


RCC will select a maximum of 10 proposals and invite the applicants for a roundtable discussion.

Each applicant will have 5 minutes to pitch their project to the participants and to the Selection Panel.

After the presentations, a vote will be held to select the best proposal. Everyone can then vote for the best project, except for their own. Each applicant along with the members of the Selection Panel will have an equal vote.

The two proposals which gather the most votes are declared winners. Once the finalists are chosen, individual discussions will follow with RCC concerning the winning projects.


A budget of maximum £500, a beautiful exhibition/ event space located in central London  and a working space and logistics advice.

Please email your complete application by 11.59 PM, 1 May 2017 to (mail subject: Roundtable Projects Application).

Applicants will be notified of their application results by 15 May 2017.

The first Roundtable meeting will be confirmed soon.

If you need more details, send us an email at or share your thoughts on our Facebook page.

For previous Roundtable Projects, please CLICK HERE.

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