Romanian Cultural Managers' Trip to London

1st September 2010

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The Ratiu Foundation has the pleasure to announce a new programme aimed at invigorating the field of cultural management in Romania:


From 21 to 28 November 2010, at the invitation of the Ratiu Foundation, a group of emerging Romanian cultural managers will visit London for one week, with the aim of taking advantage of all the opportunities for professional advancement the city has to offer. They are: Bogdan Georgescu (Bucharest), Irina Malcea (Bucharest), Mirela Nastasache (Bucharest), Andrada Vaida (Timisoara), and Monica Zarna (Arad).

Versiunea in limba romana a acestui text o gasiti aici. The independent Romanian cultural sector is rich and vibrant, but still in need of opportunities that will enable it to become a valuable partner in international programmes. Through this programme, the Ratiu Foundation would like to demonstrate its further commitment to the development of cultural management of the highest level in Romania. The selection of the participants was made following the application process for the Gabriela Tudor Grant in Cultural Management 2010, a joint programme of the Ratiu Foundation and Gabriela Tudor Foundation. Given the great number of high calibre applicants who competed for the Grant, the Ratiu Foundation decided to reward five of the best applicants with a one-week, path-finding professional visit to London. Once in London, the five cultural managers selected for the trip will be able to expand their network to include local and international London-based organisations, and observe at first hand the management of cultural programmes in a very competitive and highly professional environment. “This project comes as a natural progression from previous professional trips seed-funded and organised by the Ratiu Foundation in recent years”, said Nicolae Ratiu, Chairman of the Ratiu Foundation, announcing this new programme. The previous exchange programmes are the UK Curators Trip to Romania (October 2005, in collaboration with Visiting Arts), and the Romanian Curators Trip to London (January 2007, in collaboration with e-cart Association, Romania). Both programmes have been very successful, helping to kick-start relationships between British and Romanian art professionals, which have led in turn to closer UK-Romania cultural relationships. The Romanian Cultural Managers’ Trip to London is meant to become an annual programme, starting with 2011. Besides the four-week stay in the UK, with the value of £2,500, awarded through the future editions of the Gabriela Tudor Grant in Cultural Management, the Ratiu Foundation will also award five special grants consisting in a one-week professional visit to London. The Romanian Cultural Managers’ Trip to London is organised by the Ratiu Foundation in collaboration with the Gabriela Tudor Foundation, with the support of Visiting Arts, ProFusion International Creative Consultancy, and the Romanian Cultural Centre in London.
