Presentation: ‘The Golden Epoch – Portrait of a Dictator’ by Mihai Risnoveanu. Followed by film projection ‘Liviu’s Dream’ by Corneliu Porumboiu.

18th February 2007

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Monday 5 March at London School of Economics. Details to be announced soon. This presentation will be on the subject of the portraiture of the late Romanian dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu, analysing the origins of his megalomaniac personality cult and how this was presented in the Romanian fine arts. ‘Liviu’s Dream’ by Corneliu Porumboiu. Romania/2003/40 min/colour/English subtitles A strange dream, forgotten in the morning, and an unaccountable feeling are making Liviu to look with resignation upon the world he’s living in. The awakening to reality might coincide with the birth of his child... This presentation is part of the of the Romanian Week at the London School of Economics, organised by the LSE Students’ Union Romanian Society.
