Gabriela Tudor Grant 2012 – Annual Grant for Romanian Cultural Managers

7th September 2011

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A UK-based Grant for Romanian Cultural Managers

(for the Romanian version, scroll down) Gabriela Tudor Foundation from Bucharest, in partnership with the Ratiu Foundation from the United Kingdom, is launching the call for applications for the 'Gabriela Tudor' Grant in Cultural Management for the year 2012. The extended deadline for the applications is 20 November 2011.The deadline for the applications is 30 October 2011. The Grant, with the value of GBP 2,500, is presented annually. It consists in a stay of four weeks in the United Kingdom. The funds ensured by the grant cover the cost of travel Bucharest-London-Bucharest, local transport in the UK, accommodation during the duration of the grant, per diem, as well as a budget for tickets for shows, films, entry fees to museums and galleries. The aim of the �Gabriela Tudor� Grant is to keep alive the memory of one of the few visionary cultural managers in Romania. Gabriela Tudor � who passed away, alas too soon, in January 2009 � has significantly contributed to the development of the Romanian cultural scene through her initiatives and projects, and her direct support given to artists and cultural organisations. Launched in 2009, the goals of �Gabriela Tudor� Grant are to offer opportunities for European-level professional development and to contribute to the development and motivating of emerging Romanian cultural managers. The winner of the first �Gabriela Tudor� Grant in Cultural Management was Corina Bucea, manager of the Paintbrush Factory (Fabrica de pensule) of Cluj Napoca. Out of the 30 applications received in the 2011 session, the international jury selected Raluca Pop as the recipient of the Gabriela Tudor Grant 2011. Raluca is a cultural facilitator and manager ( and an active member of the Council of the Coalition for the Independent Cultural Sector. The next �Gabriela Tudor� Grant will take place in the United Kingdom during June-July 2012. The deadline for the applications is 20 November 2011. All grants will be awarded on the basis of the applications received, the selection being made by a commission formed by: Ghislaine Boddington (Creative Director, body>data>space; mentor of the �Gabriela Tudor� Grant winner), Raluca Pop (Gabriela Tudor grantee for 2011), Petra Bischof (cultural manager, The Swiss Cultural Programme), Irina Cios (cultural manager and Curator of the International Centre for Contemporary Art, Bucharest), Ramona Mitrica, Cosmin Manolescu (Executive Director of the Gabriela Tudor Foundation). The fields of activity which have priority for 2012 are contemporary arts management, the private cultural sector, and cultural policies. For more details and to obtain the application forms, contact us at, contact person Cosmin Manolescu or check and The �Gabriela Tudor� Grant is offered by the Ratiu Foundation and Gabriela Tudor Foundation / United Experts, with the financial assistance of Swiss Cultural Programme in Romania. / / / / / / / / /

Burs? �n Marea Britanie pentru manageri culturali rom�ni

Funda?ia Gabriela Tudor din Bucure?ti, �n parteneriat cu Funda?ia Ra?iu din Marea Britanie anun?? o nou? sesiune de selectare a candidaturilor pentru acordarea Bursei �Gabriela Tudor� �n Management Cultural pentru anul 2012. Aplica?iile pot fi trimise p�n? la data de 20 noiembrie 30 octombrie 2011. Bursa, �n valoare de 2500 de lire sterline, se acord? anual ?i const? �ntr-un stagiu de patru s?pt?m�ni �n Marea Britanie. Valoarea bursei acopera costul biletului de avion Bucure?ti-Londra-Bucure?ti, al transportului local �n Marea Britanie, cazarea pe perioada stagiului, diurna bursierului, ?i un buget pentru bilete la spectacole, filme, intr?ri la muzee ?i expozi?ii. Bursa �Gabriela Tudor� �?i propune s? p?streze vie memoria unuia dintre pu?inii manageri culturali vizionari din Rom�nia. Disparut? prea cur�nd, �n ianuarie 2009, Gabriela Tudor a contribuit �n mod semnificativ la dezvoltarea scenei artistice rom�ne?ti prin ini?iativele ?i proiectele realizate ?i prin sprijinul direct acordat arti?tilor ?i organiza?iilor culturale. Lansat? �n 2009, Bursa �Gabriela Tudor� ofer? posibilit??i de preg?tire profesional? la nivel european ?i contribuie la perfec?ionarea ?i motivarea managerilor culturali din Rom�nia, afla?i la �nceput de drum. C�?tig?torul primei Burse �Gabriela Tudor� �n Management Cultural a fost Corina Bucea, manager al Fabricii de Pensule din Cluj Napoca. Din cele 30 de aplica?ii primite �n cadrul sesiunii din 2011, juriul interna?ional a desemnat-o c�?tig?toare a bursei �Gabriela Tudor� 2011 pe Raluca Pop, facilitator ?i manager cultural ( ?i membru activ al Coali?iei Sectorului Cultural Independent. Urm?toarea Burs? �Gabriela Tudor� se va derula �n Marea Britanie �n perioada iunie - iulie 2012. Data limit? pentru depunerea dosarelor de candidatur?: 20 noiembrie 2011. Bursa �Gabriela Tudor� va fi acordat? pe baza selec?iei de dosare, realizate de c?tre o comisie format? din: Ghislaine Boddington (Creative Director, body>data>space; mentorul ca?tig?torului Bursei �Gabriela Tudor�), Raluca Pop (bursier Gabriela Tudor 2011), Petra Bischof (manager cultural, Programul Cultural Elve?ian), Irina Cios (manager cultural ?i curator Centrul Interna?ional pentru Arta Contemporan?, Bucure?ti), Ramona Mitric? ?i Cosmin Manolescu (director executiv al Funda?iei Gabriela Tudor). Domeniile de prioritate pentru anul 2012 sunt managementul artelor contemporane, sectorul cultural privat ?i politicile culturale. Pentru detalii ?i ob?inerea formularelor de candidatur?, v? rug?m s? ne contacta?i prin e-mail la, persoana de contact Cosmin Manolescu sau s? consulta?i paginile de internet ?i Bursa �Gabriela Tudor� este oferit? de c?tre Funda?ia Ra?iu din Marea Britanie ?i Funda?ia Gabriela Tudor / United Experts, cu sprijinul financiar al Programului Cultural Elve?ian �n Rom�nia.
