ZICALE | Romanian Sayings - Photo exhibition by Voichi Judele

13th February 2014

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Te fac cu ou si cu otet (RO)/ I cover you in egg and vinegar (EN) Credits: Voichi Judele

At RCC we are starting the New Year with an exciting photo exhibition by Voichi Judele called ZICALE | Romanian Sayings. Part of Roundtable Projects, the event proposes a new way of understanding Romanian culture through the medium of proverbs and photography.
................................................................................................................................................. If there is one thing Google can't translate it's a good Romanian saying. Proverbs carry cultural traditions and meanings, offering a good insight into a nation's heritage. When a proverb has an identical equivalent in a different culture one can occasionally see how local habits and folkloric wisdom transcend national borders.
Through the medium of photography, VOICHI JUDELE has illustrated a series of Romanian proverbs, on display at RCC from 13 February 2014. With her collaborators, Voichi will invite the audience to interact with a participating member of the Romanian community, to intuitively, creatively or amusingly try to grasp the deeper significance of what it is they see. Each photograph will be accompanied by a caption that quotes the proverb, but don't look for clues there:"I cover you in egg and vinegar' sounds like a poor translation of "Te fac cu ou ?i cu o?et" (pictured above)and nothing more. In order to decipher the meaning, guests will be encouraged to look into their own cultural backgrounds, to find similarities, decipher the meanings of the images or even to quickly google an answer.
As a community project, ZICALE | ROMANIAN SAYINGS is addressed to everyone, independent of their nationality, who might like to engage in a conversation about collective and personal cultural traits and representations. We like to think that Romanian proverbs are a vivid mirror of our people's sense of humor, wisdom and wit, and we are taking this opportunity to hear your thoughts. Join us, participate, comment and ultimately get to know who we are a little bit better.
VOICHI JUDELE is an anthropologist by training and, at the same time, she feels animated by a natural curiosity to decipher the essence of life as lived. While fascinated by the relationship between people and phenomena, Voichi engages her technical skills with the desire to portray people, communities and connections in the raw light of their existence. She approaches her subjects with a certain sensitivity which opens up the opportunity to tell their stories accurately, as it is expressed through their eyes or own words.
Part of ROUNTABLE PROJECTS 2014Roundtable Projects is an open platform for cultural projects developed in partnership with the members of the Romanian community in the UK. For more details about this programme please visit our website at www.romanianculturalcentre.org.uk/

                             The exhibition runs until 27 February 2014                                                     Opening hours: Mon - Fri, 11.00 am - 6.00 pm ADMISSION FREE
